P. 64

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                       remove members of the board, appoint the external auditor, and make decisions on any
                       transactions  that  affect  the  company  such  as  dividends  payment,  amendments  to  the
                       company’s articles of association or the company’s bylaws, capital increases or decreases,
                       and the approval of extraordinary transactions, etc.

                              The  Board  of  Directors  realizes  the  importance  of  shareholders’  meeting  as
                       revealed  in  the  policies  to  facilitate  all  shareholders  equally  in  attending  the  meeting,
                       provide sufficient information timely in advance of the meeting so that the shareholders
                       have enough time to decide whether to attend or to designate representatives to attend the
                       meeting on their behalves. Shareholders are encouraged to query directors and allowed to
                       propose an agenda item, the directors on the other hand are obliged to attend the meeting
                       and answer the enquiries.

                              The Board of Directors must complete the minutes of the meeting and present to
                       the shareholders through the website as soon as possible within 14 days after the meeting.

                       1.  Rights of Shareholders

                              The  Company  values  the  right  of  shareholders  by  convening  the  shareholders
                       meeting  annually  as  requested  by  the law.  For  year  2022, The  Company  has held  the
                       meeting on April 26, 2022 and 5 directors attended the meeting.

                              The  Company  has  assigned  Thailand  Securities  Depository  Company  Limited
                       (TSD), the registrar of The Company security, to distribute all the meeting notice to all
                       shareholders 14 days prior to the meeting (4 April, 2022).

                              The Company has allowed the shareholders to authorize representatives to attend
                       the shareholders’ meeting on their behalf, and if the shareholders cannot find one, The
                       Company  also proposes an independent director to take the task. In  2022, Independent
                       director (Chairman of the Audit Committee) was Mr. Navin Vongchankit.

                              The  Company  encouraged  the  shareholders  to  express  their  opinions  and  ask
                       questions  during  the  2022  annual  shareholders’   meeting,  in  which  the  directors  are
                       responsible for answering the questions. For this particular meeting The Company allow
                       the shareholders to propose the agenda of the meeting on December 21, 2021 to January
                       21, 2022.

                              The Company has posted the meeting invitation on the website,, 30
                       days prior to 2022 annual shareholders’ meeting and posted the minutes of meeting 3 days
                       after the meeting.

                       2. Equitable Treatment of Shareholders

                                The Company keeps updating its status quarterly through SET website in time as

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