Page 114 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 114

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                    5.   Significant accounting judgements and estimates

                         The preparation of financial statements in conformity with financial reporting standards at
                         times requires management to make subjective judgements and estimates regarding matters
                         that are inherently uncertain. These judgements and estimates affect reported amounts and
                         disclosures; and actual results could differ from these estimates. Significant judgements and
                         estimates are as follows:

                         Decrease of inventories to net realisable value

                         In determining an decrease of inventories to net realisable value, the management makes
                         judgement  and  estimates  net  realisable  value  of inventory based  on the  amount  the
                         inventories are expected to realise. These estimates take into consideration fluctuations of
                         their selling price, cost and expenses directly relating to events occurring after the end of

                         the period. Also, the management makes judgement and estimates expected loss from stock
                         obsolescence based upon aging profile of inventories and their current condition.

                    6.   Related party transactions

                         The followings are relationships with related parties.
                                                                    Country of
                                      Name of entities             incorporation    Nature of relationships
                          TY Steel Co., Ltd.                         Thailand    5.89% holding by parent company
                                                                                 19.27% holding by the Company
                          Tycoons Group Enterprise Co., Ltd.         Taiwan      Ultimate parent company
                          Tycoons Group International Co., Ltd.      Cayman      Parent company
                          Tycoons Vietnam Co., Ltd.                  Vietnam     Subsidiary of parent company
                          Huanghua Jujin Hardware Products Co., Ltd.   China     Subsidiary of parent company
                          Huanghua Jujin Import & Export Trading Co., Ltd.  China   Subsidiary of parent company
                          Jin Hai Hardware Co., Ltd.                 Thailand    18.19% holding by parent company

                         During the year, the Group had significant business transactions with related parties. Such
                         transactions, which are summarised below, arose in the ordinary course of business and were

                         concluded on commercial terms and bases agreed upon between the Group and those related

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