Page 157 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 157

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                    Unabridged policy and guidelines on corporate governance and unabridged code of business
                    conduct prepared by the Company in the following matters:

                    1. The Principles of Good Corporate Governance Policy for the Company
                    Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Public Co., Ltd. is operated under the supervision of its
                    Board of Directors. Being a responsible organization, the company is determined to comply with
                    the principles of corporate governance for all companies listed in Thailand, which is stipulated in
                    the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 for the best benefit of shareholders, stakeholders and
                    the company’s sustainability. The principles are as follows.

                    1 Rights of Shareholders

                    Shareholders are the owners of the company. They control the company by appointing the Board
                    of Directors to act as their representatives. Shareholders are eligible to make decisions on any of
                    significant corporate changes. Therefore, the company encourages shareholders to exercise their
                    Basic shareholder rights are rights to buy,  sell, or transfer shares, share in  the profit of the
                    company, obtain relevant and adequate information on the company in a timely manner and on a
                    regular basis, participate and vote in the shareholder meetings to elect or remove members of the
                    board,  appoint the external  auditor, and  make decisions  on any  transactions  that  affect the
                    company such as dividends payment, amendments to the company’s articles of association or the
                    company’s bylaws, capital increases or decreases, and the approval of extraordinary transactions,

                    The Board of Directors realizes  the importance  of  shareholders’  meeting  as revealed  in the
                    policies  to  facilitate all shareholders equally in attending  the  meeting,  provide  sufficient
                    information timely in advance of the meeting so that the shareholders have enough time to decide
                    whether to  attend or to designate  representatives to  attend the  meeting on their behalves.
                    Shareholders are encouraged  to query directors and allowed to propose an  agenda item, the
                    directors on the other hand are obliged to attend the meeting and answer the enquiries.

                    The Board of Directors must complete the minutes of the meeting and present to the shareholders
                    through the website as soon as possible within 14 days after the meeting.

                    2 Equitable Treatment of Shareholders

                    The Board of Directors values the right of every shareholder equally as reflected in the company’s
                    policy of disclosure of information that the company constantly informs shareholders the status
                    of the  company  through the website of SET.  Moreover, the  company  allows the  minority
                    shareholder to nominate director positions in advance and vote by proxy.

                    The company also has the policy to prevent the use of inside information for abusive self dealing
                    such as insider trading or related party transactions. Particularly, they are not allowed to trade
                    their shares of the company one month prior to the announcement of the company’s financial

                    All directors and executives are obliged to disclose to the board whether they and their related
                    parties have any interest in any transaction or matter directly affecting the company. Directors

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