Page 162 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 162

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                    Guidelines of practice

                    1 Directors,  management, and  employees of the Company and its  subsidiaries  must strictly
                    comply with the policy of anti-bribery and corruption and code of conduct, as follows;

                               1.1 No receive and give or offer bribes to any other person to obtain improper benefits with
                    government agencies and private units at work contact.

                               1.2 No accept gifts, entertainment, funding or other favors from client or vendor which
                    worth  more than the standard prescribed. Employees  must report to the company when they
                    accept the worth of gifts or entertainment is more than the company stipulation (provisions of the
                    Code of conduct) for customs and rituals necessary.

                               1.3 The Company has established internal control systems, stipulate the procedures of job
                    execution in order to prevent bribery and corruption, people who has responsibility for approving
                    payment must have clear evidence and be in accordance with company policy.

                               1.4 Employees should not neglect or ignore the bribery and corruption or the behavior may
                    occur bribery and corruption, must report to the management or report by the trail route of anti-
                    bribery and corruption policy immediately. Employees and the informers who report the bribery
                    and corruption will be protected by the Company.

                    2 The Company will provide related training courses in anti-bribery and corruption policies to
                    employees,  and  encourage  employees  to perform  their duties in an honest  and responsible

                    3 Employees who breach or non-compliance with anti-bribery and corruption policy  will be
                    punished by regulations of the company and related laws.

                    Complaint notification of bribery and corruption

                               The Board of directors has a clear path of notification bribery and corruption clues or
                    reporting bribery and corruption directly to the company. If the bribery and corruption report are
                    related with management, it will be submitted to the Board of audit committee to review and make
                    the determination.

                    Clues notice or complaint items

                               1 Find the bribery and corruption is related with the Company, either directly or indirectly.
                    For example: discovery company personnel  giving /  accepting  bribes to/from  governmental
                    officers or private entities personnel.

                               2 Find a job procedure is not executed in accordance with the company regulations or
                    affect the internal control system of the Company.

                               3 Find the behavior cause the loss of profits or reputation of the Company.

                               4 Find illegal, unethical conduct or breach of the code of conduct.

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