Page 27 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 27

- Set criteria for selection and re-  of company in the long term.   - Determine procedures and work   and clear ordering.   to create.     through the training system.

                                              Response     evaluation clearly the supplier from  outside. Fairness in evaluating external  suppliers. If it can be done accordingly  company standard or responsible for  goods or services, then can be a partner   manuals. Communication, identification  and approval of information. Accurate   - There is an anti-corruption policy and  provide fair competition with partners   - Developing employees to be competent   - Provide appropriate welfare through the

                                              Needs/Expectations   - Get employment or make purchases as   sustainable business partner   - A valid purchase order or correct  service, to make it clear and complete  - Fair and transparent competition and   - Have a good relationship between the   buyer and seller   Reasonable remuneration.   Good motivation and welfare.  Progress and stability of occupation.



                                3.2.2 Analysis of stakeholders in the business value chain
                                              Participation   Information communication in   procurement be accurate and clear   Assessment for selection and   Assessment for selection and   evaluation efficiency in purchasing   goods or services  Participating in various activities that   the company has organized   - Annual Performance Assessment.   - Listen to opinions Complaints of   employees through various

                                                     -          -    evaluation   -       -

                     Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.
                                              Stakeholder   Delivery person and   outside service   (partner)                 Employees

                                           Business value   chain     Procurement of   factors production                     Production
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