Page 41 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 41

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                           2. Customer
                                 The Company has continuously develops products and services to meet the
                           satisfaction of customers with responsibility, honesty and ethics. In 2021, the Company’s
                           has received satisfaction from customers at the level of  91.09%.

                           3. Community and society

                           Participation and development of society/community
                                 The Company realizes the coexistence with the community and society by giving
                           importance to all stakeholders. Learn to develop and live in harmony with the community
                           through activities that build relationships to build understanding and promote participation
                           with communities and society. To ensure that the Company's business activities will not
                           affect  or  cause  trouble to  the normal  way  of  life of  individuals, communities  and
                           surrounding  society. So  that  the  Company  can  respond  effectively to the needs and
                           expectations and create values and rewards that will be sustainable together.

                                 1) External complaints equal 0
                                 2) Implement a project to create cooperation between the company, community and
                           society continuously every year.

                           Strategy/Operation Plan
                                 1) Build engagement  with  all  stakeholders,  through the utilization  of  Company
                           resources, potential and expertise to achieve maximum value.
                                 2) Create a good experience for all stakeholders through activities or projects that
                           are mutually beneficial.

                                 Follow the Code of Business Conduct and create engagement with stakeholders
                           under socially  responsible business practices  and give  importance  to participation  and
                           community development. Focus on the development  of the community to have a good
                           quality of life both economically, socially and environmentally by considering the needs
                           and necessities of the community as a priority. Promote and create awareness of personnel
                           throughout the organization, to create good relationships that show friendship between the

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