Page 124 - TYCONS - ANNUAL REPORT 2022
P. 124

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                6.   Related party transactions

                     The followings are relationships with related parties.

                                                                   Country of
                                   Name of entities               incorporation      Nature of relationships
                      Fastbolt International Pte. Ltd.             Singapore    Associated Company
                      Tycoons Group Enterprise Co., Ltd.            Taiwan      Ultimate parent company
                      Tycoons Group International Co., Ltd.        Cayman       Parent company
                      Tycoons Vietnam Co., Ltd.                    Vietnam      Subsidiary of parent company
                      Huanghua Jujin Hardware Products Co., Ltd.    China       Subsidiary of parent company
                      Huanghua Jujin Import & Export Trading Co., Ltd.   China   Subsidiary of parent company

                      TY Steel Co., Ltd.                           Thailand     5.94% holding by parent company
                                                                                19.43% holding by the Company
                      Jin Hai Hardware Co., Ltd.                   Thailand     18.19% holding by parent company

                     During the year, the Group had significant business transactions with related parties. Such
                     transactions, which are summarised below, arose in the ordinary course of business and were

                     concluded  on  commercial  terms  and  bases  agreed  upon  between  the  Group  and  those
                     related parties.
                                                                                             (Unit: Million Baht)
                                                             financial statements        Pricing policy

                                                              2022       2021
                     Transactions with ultimate parent
                     Sales                                      698      1,186   With reference to market price
                     Purchases of raw materials                 131        953   With reference to market price
                     Purchases of fixed assets                     4         3   Contract price
                     Transactions with associated company
                     Sales                                         -       231   With reference to market price
                     Other income                                  -        13   With reference to market price
                     Purchases of raw materials                    -     1,790   With reference to market price
                     Purchases of goods                            -        15   With reference to market price
                     Transactions with related companies
                     Sales                                      228        339   With reference to market price
                     Purchases of raw materials                2,117          -   With reference to market price

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