Page 129 - TYCONS - ANNUAL REPORT 2022
P. 129

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

               12.2  Share of comprehensive income

                     During  the  years,  the  Company  has  recognised  its  share  of  loss  from  investment  in
                     associate in the consolidated financial statements as follows:

                                                                                      (Unit: Thousand Baht)

                                                               Consolidated financial statements
                                                                                      Share of other

                                                        Share of loss from        comprehensive income
                                                      investment in associate      from investments in
                           Company’s name                 during the year       associates during the year

                                                       2022          2021          2022         2021
                     Fastbolt International Pte. Ltd.     (975)             -          (73)            -

                     TY Steel Company Limited                 -       (87,873)            -            -
                                 Total                    (975)       (87,873)         (73)            -

               12.3  Summarised financial information about material associates

                     Summarised information about financial position
                                                                                       (Unit: Million Baht)
                                                                        Fastbolt International Pte. Ltd.

                                                                           2022               2021
                     Current assets                                             340                   -

                     Net assets                                                 340                   -
                     Shareholding percentage (%)                                 49                   -

                     Carrying amounts of associates based on
                       equity method                                            167                   -

                     Summarised information about comprehensive income
                                                                                       (Unit: Million Baht)
                                                                        Fastbolt International Pte. Ltd.

                                                                           2022               2021
                     Loss from continuing operations                              (1)                 -

                     Total comprehensive income                                   (1)                 -

   124   125   126   127   128   129   130   131   132   133   134