P. 30

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                   Business value
                                       Stakeholder             Participation                  Needs/Expectations                       Response

                                                       communication channels.          - Good working environment and Safety.   Board of Directors meeting welfare

                                                      - Training to develop employees’                                     benefit.
                                                       abilities.                                                          - Focus on using appropriate technology in
                                                      - Organize a meeting of the welfare                                   various pollution management to reduce

                                                       committee in the workplace and the                                   the effect impacts that will occur to

                                                       Safety committee.                                                    employees, including providing good
                                                                                                                            environment, safe for working and
                                                                                                                            arrange protective equipment that

                                                                                                                            suitable for employees through and

                                                                                                                            Safety Committee.
                                     Community and    - Listen to opinions complaints of   -  Employment                   - Have a policy to implemented employ in

                                         Society       community through various        -  Support and help the community   the area around the factory as an
                                                       communication channels.            and society.                      employee of the Company according to

                                                      -  Meeting of the Tri-Parties Committee.   -  No environmental impact on   the knowledge and ability that
                                                       - Participate in public benefit activities    Community.             appropriate.

                                                       with community and society.                                        - Contribute to society through meetings
                                                      - Visit the local community to explore                                Tri-parties Committee and according to

                                                       needs, expectations, requests study                                  various projects that have been
                                                       and build a good relationship   with                                 requested by the government agency


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