P. 79

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                       8. Report on key operating results on corporate governance

                              8.1 Summary of duty performance of the Board of Directors in the past year

                                   8.1.1 Selection, development and evaluation of duty performance of the
                       Board of  Directors.

                       (1)  Independent director

                              1. All Independent Director Members has requisite qualification in accordance with
                       relevant  SEC  and  SET  rules  and  guidelines,  (specifically,  that  such  members  has  one
                       accounting or finance backgrounds is Mr. Surabhon Kwunchaithunya).

                              2. All Independent Director Members have no relationships (e.g., parents, spouses,
                       children,  uncles  and  aunts)  between  the  candidates  and  the  management  or  majority
                       shareholders of company or its affiliates.

                              3. All Independent Director members have no relationships with Company/ parent
                       company/ affiliated and associated companies or juristic persons with potential conflicts of
                       interest at present and during the past two years, as follows:
                                    -  Executive directors, staff, employees or advisers who earn salaries from
                                    - Professional service provider.
                                    - Material business relationships with Company that may affect their

                       (2)  Election of the directors and the management
                              Selection of persons to be appointed as directors of the company does not involve
                           the process of nominating committee whatsoever. Nevertheless, the company has laid
                           down guidelines on the appointment of board of directors as follows:

                           1.  Board of directors shall carry out its duties according to the laws, the objectives
                              and the Articles of Association of the company, including the resolutions of the
                              meetings of shareholders.

                           2.  At every general shareholder’s meeting, one-third of the directors shall vacate their
                              office. In case the number of outgoing directors cannot be divisible by three, the
                              number closet to one-third shall be applied.

                           3.  The directors who resign at the first and second year, respectively, will be decided
                              by draw. Thereafter, the directors required to resign will be those that have served
                              the longest, but after resignation will be able to be re-appointed the following year.
                           4.  The  general  shareholder’s  meeting  may  pass  a  resolution  that  any  director  be
                              vacated from office before completing his term, which resolution must be passed

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