P. 80

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                              by votes of not less than three-fourths of the number of shareholders with the right
                              to vote and attending the meeting and whose shares altogether constitute not less
                              than one-half of the number of shares held by shareholders attending the meeting
                              and have the right to vote.

                          5.  One shareholder is entitled to one vote per share.
                          6.  Each shareholder must use all of his votes under (5) to vote for the election of one
                              to be directors. Shareholders must cast all of their votes for one nominee, and may
                              not divide their votes.

                           7.  The candidates obtaining the highest numbers of votes shall be appointed directors,
                              until all vacancies are filled. Should be a tie vote, the chairman of the Board of
                              Directors  will  make  the  determination.  The  appointment  of  president  of  the
                              Company  must  be  approved  the  Board  of  directors,  and  management  of  the
                              Company directly appointed by the president.

                                 8.1.2 Meeting attendance and remuneration payment to each Board
                    Details of Attendance and service of the Board of Directors

                                                              Number of       Number  of  years  the
                                                          attendances /   Total  directors have served
                                                              of meeting
                                                           2022      2021            2022 (years)
                     1. Mr. Huang, Wen-Sung ***              6/6       7/10               19.5
                     2. Ms. Lu, Yen-Chuan ***                0/6       0/10               19.5
                     3. Mr. Natthawat Thanapinyanun          6/6      10/10               16.5
                     4. Ms. Hwang, Feng-Mei                  6/6      10/10               6.8
                     * Mr. Surabhon  Kwunchaithunya           --       5/10               18.5
                     5. Mr. Navin Vongchankit**              6/6       2/10               1.2
                     6. Mr. Jirawat Huang                    6/6      10/10               19.5
                     7. Mr. Phiphat Wangphichit              6/6      10/10               19.5

                       * Mr. Surabhon Kwanchaithunya resigned from the position of independent director and
                       Chairman of the Audit Committee effective from September 30, 2021 onwards.
                       *Mr.Surabhon  Kwunchaithunya  resigned  as  an  independent  director  on  September  30,
                       **Appoint Mr. Navin Vongchankit as Independent  Director and Chairman of the Audit
                       Committee effective from October 20, 2021onwards.
                       ***Appoint Mr. Huang Wen Sung director of the Board as the Chairman of the Board of
                       Directors  in  replacement  of  Ms.   Lu  Yen  Chuan  resigned.   This  appointment  shall  be
                       effective from 09 June, 2022 onwards.

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