P. 93

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                       2.  Fastbolt International Pte. Ltd
                            The structure of joint venture with Fastbolt International Pte. Ltd. is a Conflict of
                       Interest, due to TGI holds more than 10% of the shares. The reason for the forming
                       this investment structure is for the benefits that TYCN will receive from the joint
                       venture are as follow:

                               1. The products that Fastbolt International Pte. Ltd.  buys, if they are the products
                        that TYCN manufactures, they will mainly buy from TYCN, which will benefit TYCN
                        by being able to sell more products to increase sales volume and have more profits
                               2. TGI is a holding company. There is no production and distribution assembly
                        activities. Therefore, it will not be a competitor to TYCN.
                               3. TYCN shall participate in the board of directors on an equal voting basis with
                        TGI,  enabling  TYCN  to  create  opportunities  to  expand  and  expand  TYCN's
                        merchandising market to EU and Chinese countries through Fastbolt International Pte.

                        Ltd.  and Fastbolt Group.
                               4. The company seeks for stable investments and helps the company survive and
                        sustainably  grow in  a  long  term. As this  is  the  first  time  in  foreign  investment,  the
                        company decide to proceed with a joint venture scheme with TGI that has more expertise
                        and experience in foreign investment.  In addition, Fastbolt Group is a company that has
                        the potential to generate consistent income in the long run and grow in the future, to be
                        able to generate stable income and profitability for the Company, which will lead to the
                        creation  of  added  value  for  shareholders,  as  well  as  generate  good  returns  for  all
                        shareholders, including the Company. This will have a positive impact on the company's
                        operating position in the future.
                               5. The joint venture in Fastbolt International Pte. Ltd. will be of great benefit to
                        TYCN's  business,  the    fact  that  TYCN    will  always  have  access  to  fastbolt  group
                        marketing  information    ,  which  in  this  respect  will  be  of  great  benefit  to  TYCN's
                        business, especially  for TYCN to be able to recognize the current situation and the
                        demand for the various nuts, screws, clamps that TYCN manufactures and sells in the
                        EU and Chinese markets, which will reflect the overall picture of the global market and
                        the prices of steel products that are about to change more clearly. This enables TYCN to
                        manage stock products to meet market demands and control the cost price of products
                        to suit the global market prices that are changing significantly more accurately.  TYCN
                        may also be able to use this opportunity to increase TYCN's distribution and distribution
                        channels to the EU and Chinese markets, thereby increasing the company's revenue

                        Policy and Measurement to Prevent the Conflict of Interest

                              1. Disclose and transmit the information of its interests and related persons to the
                        Board of Directors of the Company in order to know the relationship and transactions
                        with the Company and Fastbolt International Pte. Ltd. in a manner that may cause the
                        conflict of interests immediately prior to the transaction. The Secretary of the Company
                        shall be responsible for auditing transactions with interests on a regular basis at the end
                        of  the  year. The  auditing will  include executives, employees or  related  persons, and

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