Page 121 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 121

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                    11.2  Share capital increase of subsidiary

                         On 20 October 2021, the Company’s Board of Directors Meeting passed a resolution approving the
                         acquisition  of shares  for capital  increase  in K D B Company  Limited,  whereby the  subsidiary
                         increased its share capital from Baht 3,636,000 (3,636 ordinary shares with a par value of Baht
                         1,000 per share) to Baht 159,636,000 (159,636 ordinary shares with a par value of Baht 1,000 per

                         share) through issuance of new ordinary shares of Baht 156,000,000 (156,000 ordinary shares with
                         a  par value of  Baht  1,000 per share).  The Company purchased  70,191  ordinary  shares of the
                         additionally issued ordinary shares and made full payment amounting to Baht 70 million. As a
                         result, the share capital increase had no effect to the Company’s existing shareholding.

                         The subsidiary registered the share capital increase with the Ministry of Commerce on 27 October

                    12.    Investment in associate

                    12.1    Details of an associate:
                                                                                           (Unit: Thousand Baht)
                                                                Consolidated/Financial statements in which equity method
                                                                                  is applied
                                                     Country of                               Carrying amounts
                                          Nature of   incorporatio  Shareholding               based on equity
                       Company’s name     business       n        percentage        Cost          method
                                                                 2021   2020    2021    2020   2021    2020
                                                                 (%)     (%)
                     TY Steel Company Limited   Manufacture   Thailand  -  30.84    - 798,806       - 188,942
                                         of steel billet
                                        and deformed
                           Total                                                    - 798,806       - 188,942

                                                                                              (Unit: Thousand Baht)
                                                                        Separate financial statements
                                                                                   Allowance for   Carrying amounts
                                   Nature of   Country of   Shareholding           impairment of   based on cost method
                     Company’s name   business   incorporation   percentage   Cost   investments    - net
                                                       2021   2020   2021   2020   2021   2020   2021   2020
                                                       (%)   (%)
                     TY Steel Company  Manufacture   Thailand   -  30.84  -  798,806  -  295,336    -   503,470
                     Limited         and
                                  distribution of
                                 steel billet and
                                  deformed bar
                         Total                                          -   798,806   -   295,336   -   503,470

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