Page 126 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 126

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                    17.  Trade and other payables

                                                                                         (Unit:  Thousand  Baht)
                                                                    statement in
                                                     Consolidated   which equity
                                                   financial statement  method is applied   Separate financial statement

                                                        2021          2020          2021          2020
                         Trade payables - related parties   17,998       55,207        17,998       55,207
                         Trade payables - unrelated parties  237,476    186,160       237,476      186,160
                         Other payable - related party       310           274           310          274
                         Other payable - unrelated parties   100           599            72          599
                         Interest payable                   3,182          284         3,182          284

                         Accrued expenses                  92,109        84,056        92,109       84,056
                         Total trade and other payables    351,175      326,580       351,147      326,580

                    18.   Long-term loans from financial institutions
                                                                                       (Unit:  Thousand  Baht)
                                                                           Consolidated/Financial statements in
                                Interest rate                                which equity method is applied/
                         Loan      (%)            Repayment schedule          Separate financial statements
                                                                               2021            2020
                           1    MLR - 0.75  Monthly installments as from October
                                             2016 totaling 60 installments             -          22,000
                           2       6.50     Monthly installments as from
                                             February 2019 totaling 30
                                             installments                              -          19,768
                         Total                                                         -          41,768
                         Less: Portion due within one year                             -          (41,768)
                         Long-term loans, net of current portion                       -               -

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