Page 125 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 125

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                    15.  Other non-current financial assets

                                                                                    (Unit: Thousand Baht)
                                                                       Consolidated/Financial statement
                                                                       in which equity method is applied/

                                                                         Separated financial statements
                                                                           2021               2020
                         Equity instruments designated at FVOCI

                         Non-listed equity instruments
                            Thai Union Fasteners Company Limited               67,777            67,350
                            TY Steel Company Limited                          153,861                  -
                         Total other non-current financial assets             221,638            67,350

                         Equity instruments designated at FVOCI include non-listed equity investments which the
                         Group considers these investments to be strategic in nature.

                         The Company  changed  the classification  of  investment  in TY  Steel  Co., Ltd.  from

                         “Investment in associate” to “Equity investments designated at fair value through other
                         comprehensive income” as described in Note 12 to the financial statements.

                         The Company has placed the shares of TY Steel Company Limited with banks as security
                         for a syndicated loan granted to this company by overseas banks.

                    16.  Short-term loans from financial institutions
                                                                                    (Unit: Thousand Baht)
                                                                             statements in which equity
                                                     Interest rate                   method is applied/
                                                         (%)                Separate financial statements
                                                 2021          2020            2021            2020
                         Trust receipts        1.73 - 3.20   1.74 - 3.30      1,483,320         775,903
                         Promissory notes      1.73 - 2.75   1.74 - 2.85        349,768         190,000
                         Total short-term loans
                           from financial
                           institutions                                       1,833,088         965,903

                         Short-term loans from financial institutions are guaranteed by the Company’s director, the
                         ultimate parent company, pledged of fixed deposits as described in Note 10 to the financial
                         statements and mortgaged of most of its property, plant and machinery as described in Note

                         14 to the financial statements.

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