Page 53 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 53

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                    Income statement and Cash flow

                    ('million THB)

                       Income statement and Cash flow       Consolidated                   Separate
                              Transaction            2021      2020      2019      2021      2020     2019
                   Revenue from sales-net             9,060.39  5,987.44  9,562.39  9,060.39  5,987.44  9,562.39
                   Other income                         32.72     47.01     64.50     32.24    47.74    64.50
                   Total revenues                     9,093.64  6,034.45  9,626.89  9,093.10  6,035.18   9,626.89
                   Cost of sales                      7,961.33  5,760.09  9,642.31  7,961.33  5,760.09   9,642.31
                   Selling and administrative expenses   379.72  256.99    337.92    379.72   254.72    337.92
                   Other expense                       241.87     22.83    521.01    644.27   320.44    521.01
                   Total expenses                     8,583.17  6,039.91  10,501.24  8,985.32  6,335.25   10,501.24
                   Profit before share of loss & finance cost   510.48  -4.74  -874.35  108.31  -300.07  -874.34
                   Share of loss from investment in an associated  87.87  -257.66  32.05  -       -         -
                   Finance Cost                         37.73    -52.81     60.46     37.73   -52.81    60.46
                    Profit (loss)before income tax expenses   384.87  -315.20  -966.86  70.58  -352.88   -934.81
                   Income tax income ( expenses)        -8.04     -5.85     -30.82     8.04    -5.85    -30.82
                   Profit (Loss) for the period        376.83    -321.05   -997.68    62.54  -358.73   -965.63
                   Basic earning (loss) per share        0.63     -0.54     -1.67      0.10    -0.60     -1.62
                   The weighted average number of  common
                   shares                              596.75    596.75    596.75    596.75   596.75    596.75
                   Net cash flow from operating        -87.07    568.84    218.68     -86.78  568.84    218.68
                   Net cash flow from investing        -444.34   -205.06   -156.59   -398.59  -205.06   -156.59
                   Net cash flow (used in) from financing   834.99  -627.12  -222.53  778.40  -627.12   -222.53
                   Increase in translation adjustment      -         -         -         -        -         -
                   Net increase  (decrease)  in  cash and cash
                   equivalents                         303.58    -263.33   -160.44   293.03  -263.33   -160.44

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