Page 62 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 62

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                           4. Disclosure and Transparency

                                 The Board of Directors discloses the financial information, business activities, and
                           other business performance accurately, completely, efficiently, and timely that reflects the
                           actual  financial status, complies  with  the  Generally  Accepted Accounting Principles
                           (GAAP), and is audited by independent auditor. In addition, the audit committee which is
                           composed of independent directors with no involvement with the company management
                           will also help review the give information.

                                 The Company places the timely and accurately disclosure of financial and other
                           information that may affect the share price at priority through SET website. Moreover, the
                           company has also established Investor Relations Office. For investors and those who are
                           interested  in obtaining the  company’s information,  they may contact  Investor Relation
                           Officer at Tel:033-658-558or fax: 038-636-822 or E-mail Address:

                                 In 2021, IR officer has provided information to parities such as shareholders and
                           analysts in many occasions such as quarterly performance and invest projects.

                                 Director’s remuneration; The Board of Directors has disclosed clearly the directors’
                           remuneration policies which is in response to the contributions and responsibilities of each
                           directors and the remuneration is approved by shareholders through shareholders’ meeting.

                                 Managements’  remuneration:    The Board  of Directors  has developed  the
                           management remuneration policy that is fair and attractive enough for qualified people to
                           take the position and perform at high standard.

                           5. Responsibilities of the Board

                           Leadership and vision

                                 The Board of Directors has played a role in setting the company’s goal, task, and
                           budget, and moreover oversaw the company operation according to its goal.  The Board
                           of Directors has also made comments on the internal control/audit system to manage the
                           risk and maximize the company’s profitability.

                           Risk Management

                                 The Board of Directors has adopted a risk management system for all material
                           and controllable risk and included the reporting and evaluating system in response the
                           current situation. In 2021, the Board of Directors has considered political risk, which now
                           does not affect the company directly.  As for economic risk in exchange rate, the
                           company has employed forward contract to minimize the risk. All managements are
                           responsible for risk management. In assessing the risk, the chance of occurring and the
                           impact it might create was examined, then prevention measures were proposed. The
                           Company’s internal audit has been performed audit in relation to risk and then reported to
                           the committee, so that the committee could report to the Board of Directors in time.

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