Page 66 - One Report Thai Final_ENG_2021
P. 66

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                           The Executive Board as at Dec  31, 2021

                                   No.         Name-Last Name                        Position
                                   1            Ms. Lu, Yen-Chuan                    Chairman of Board
                                   2           Mr. Huang, Wen-Sung                   Director
                                   3           Mr. Natthawat Thanapinyanun           Director
                                   4            Ms. Hwang, Feng-Mei                  Director

                           The Audit Committee as at Dec  31, 2021

                                   No.          Name-Last Name                        Position
                                   *            Mr. Surabhon Kwunchaithunya           Chairman  of the Audit
                                   1            Mr. Navin Vongchankit**               Chairman  of the Audit
                                   2            Mr. Jirawat Huang                     Audit Committee
                                   3            Mr. Phiphat Wangphichit               Audit Committee

                           * Mr. Surabhon Kwanchaithunya resigned from the position of independent director and
                           Chairman of the Audit Committee effective from September 30, 2021 onwards.
                           **Appoint Mr. Navin Vongchankit as Independent Director and Chairman of the Audit
                           Committee effective from October 20, 2021onwards.

                           Name of chief of internal auditor: Miss Huang Tsai - Ting
                           One audit committee member has basic knowledge in accounting and finance, namely:
                           Mr. Navin Vongchankit graduated from Seattle University, Washington USA, Master of
                           Business Administration.

                                 7.3  Information on subcommittees
                           Sub-Committee of Board of Directors

                           The  scope of work and  responsibilities of  the Board of  Directors, Audit Committee
                           Executive Board, Managing Director  in accordance with Public Limited Company Act
                           and related Acts are as follows:

                           The Board of Directors

                           1. To perform  its duty in the  most professional  manner to comply with  all laws, the
                           company’s objectives, articles of association and shareholder’s resolutions as well as to
                           preserve the company’s benefit and interests.
                           2. To determine the company’s direction and control all business operations in accordance
                           with the related government entities’ rules and regulations. To assure the disclosure of
                           information to shareholders and related entities as well as perform transparency
                           management to achieve optimal benefits to the company.
                           3. To ensure that business is operated efficiently and in compliance with all regulatory
                           bodies such as the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and the Securities and Exchange
                           Commission (SEC).

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