Page 140 - TYCONS - ANNUAL REPORT 2022
P. 140

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                     For management purposes, the Company is organised into business units based on its
                     products and services.

                     The Company business operations involve four principal segments: (1) manufacture steel

                     wire rods and reinforce concrete bar (2) manufacture steel annealing wire (3) manufacture
                     screw and bolt and (4) trading. These operations are mainly carried on in Thailand. Below
                     is the financial information for the years ended 2022 and 2021 by segment.

                                                                                                 (Unit: Million Baht)
                                    steel wire rods
                                    and reinforced   Manufacture steel   Manufacture screw
                                    concrete bar   annealing wire    and bolt       Trading          Total
                                   2022    2021    2022   2021    2022    2021   2022    2021    2022    2021
                Domestic sales      5,594   4,826   389     388     97      85       -      97   6,080   5,396
                Export sales         380    247     801   1,192   2,076   1,440     27     785   3,284   3,664
                Total revenues      5,974   5,073   1,190   1,580   2,173   1,525   27     882   9,364   9,060

                Segment profit (loss)   (10)   510   53     153    185      90      (6)     (6)   222     747
                Unallocated profit and expenses:
                Losses on exchange                                                                  (9)    (93)
                Finance income                                                                      1       1
                Other income                                                                       56      33
                Losses on write-off of building and equipment                                       (4)     (9)
                Reversal Impairment (loss) on non-financial assets                                 16     (228)
                Reversal (Losses) from raw material purchase contracts                              (4)     7
                Share of loss from investment in associate                                          (1)    (88)
                Gain on change in classification on investment                                       -     53
                Finance cost                                                                       (67)    (38)
                Profit before income tax expenses                                                 210     385
                Income tax expenses                                                                (48)     (8)
                Profit for the year                                                               162     377

                     Major customers

                     For the year 2022, the Company has revenue from one major customers in amount of Baht
                     1,029  million,  arising  from  sales  by  the  manufacture  steel  wire  rods  and  reinforced
                     concrete bar, manufacture steel annealing wire and trading segment (2021: the Company
                     has revenue from one major customers in amount of Baht 1,186 million, arising from sales

                     by  the  manufacture  steel  wire  rods  and  reinforced  concrete  bar,  manufacture  steel
                     annealing wire and trading segment).

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