Page 146 - TYCONS - ANNUAL REPORT 2022
P. 146

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                                                                                              (Unit: Million Baht)
                                                              Separate financial statement
                                                                As at 31 December 2022
                                         Fixed interest rates   Floating   Non-
                                        Within               interest   interest
                                        1 year   1 - 5 years   rate     bearing     Total    Effective interest rate
               Financial assets
               Cash and cash equivalent       -         -        375         23       398      Refer to Note 7
               Trade and other receivables    -         -          -        311       311           -
               Restricted bank deposits     35          -          -          -        35     Refer to Note 10
                                            35          -        375        334       744

               Financial liabilities
               Trade and other payables       -         -          -        213       213           -
               Short-term loans           1,277         -          -          -      1,277    Refer to Note 16
                                          1,277         -          -        213      1,490

                                                                                               (Unit: Million Baht)
                                                              Separate financial statement
                                                                As at 31 December 2021
                                         Fixed interest rates   Floating   Non-
                                        Within               interest   interest
                                        1 year   1 - 5 years   rate     bearing     Total    Effective interest rate
               Financial assets
               Cash and cash equivalent       -         -        353        101       454      Refer to Note 7
               Trade and other receivables    -         -          -        421       421           -
               Restricted bank deposits     60          -          -          -        60     Refer to Note 10
                                            60          -        353        522       935

               Financial liabilities
               Trade and other payables       -         -          -        351       351           -
               Short-term loans           1,833         -          -          -      1,833    Refer to Note 16
                                          1,833         -          -        351      2,184

                     Foreign currency risk

                     The  Company’s  exposure  to  the  foreign  currency  risk  relates  primarily  to  its  trading

                     transactions  and borrowings that  are denominated in foreign currencies. The Company
                     seeks  to  reduce  this  risk  by  entering  into  foreign  exchange  forward  contracts  when  it

                     considers appropriate. Generally, the forward contracts mature within six month.

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