P. 41

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                        Summary of operating result
                              In 2022, the Company's has a total water consumption in the production process
                       total amount 478,182 cubic meters, which decreased from the previous year by 1.81%. The
                       wastewater that occurs will be treated with a wastewater treatment system before draining
                       into the water quality inspection pond and used to water the trees in the green area of the
                       Company. In order to comply with the Company's policy that supports energy conservation
                       and to achieve the most efficient use of water resources.

                       3. Garbage and Waste Management
                              3.1 The amount of garbage and waste from business processes
                       Garbage and waste Comparison Table
                                                                         2020          2021          2022
                        Amount of waste and non-hazardous waste (kg)   9,810,865    10,006,280  13,451,776
                        Amount of waste and hazardous waste (kg)       6,164,114    12,523,560     7,799,266

                        Summary of operating result
                              In 2022, the Company's has a volume of garbage and non-hazardous waste about
                       13,452 tons / year, which the Company has prepared bins to accommodate 3 types of waste,
                       namely general waste, recyclable waste and hazardous waste. The storage bins are placed
                       at various points, sufficient to meet the amount of waste that is expected to occur in the
                       Company's operations.
                              In  2022,  the Company's  has  a volume of  hazardous  waste  from  the production
                       process about 7,799 tons / year, which has divided the waste from the production process
                       into 6 categories, with each type of waste sorted before contacting the agency,  that has
                       been authorized by the Department of Industrial Works to be disposed of with appropriate

                       4. Green House gas management
                               The  Company  has  invited  consultants  to  give  lectures  training  to  provides
                       knowledge and information for planning the research process to implement plan of policy
                       to reduce  greenhouse  gas  emissions and  has  recognized  the  importance of  working  to
                       reduce  global  warming  and  climate  change.  The  company  has  established  a  policy  to
                       support environmental pollution and has continuously complied with the environmental
                       policy  to  encourage  the  reduction  Pollution  and  reducing  the  burden  of  society  in
                       accordance with environmental governance. Also encourages directors, executives, and all
                       employees to use the Company's resources for maximum benefit.
                              In 2023, the Company will be in the process to start collect the Carbon Footprint of
                       Product and Carbon Footprint of the Organization data in accordance with the principles
                       of international standards for entrepreneurs to use as a planning tool. Reduce greenhouse
                       gas  emissions  throughout  the  life  cycle  and  increase  the  potential  of  Thai  industry
                       internationally. It is expected to be allowed to use the carbon footprint certification mark

                       Carbon Footprint of the Organization by 2023.

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