P. 43

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                          ( Review  Safety  at  work  with  Overhead  crane) .   There  are  total  of  2 7  employees
                          participated in the training.
                       -   On October 12, 2022, the Company has held education and training on
                          (Environmental & Safety  Law). There are total of 31 employees  participated in the

                       -   On October 20, 2022, the Company has held education and training on
                           (Awareness and Management energy). There are total of 34 employees participated in
                          the training.

                       -   On October 25, 2022, the Company has held education and training on
                           (High voltage system ). There are total of 24 employees participated in the training.

                       -    On October 28, 2022, the Company has held education and training on
                          (Safety at work with Chemicals ). There are total of 24 employees participated in the

                              The average number of hours of training or knowledge development activities for
                       employees is 6,255 hours, which is equivalent 7.19 % per person per year, which meet the

                       Safety, Occupational Health and Work Environment

                              In 2022, the Company continually to improves and optimizes safety operations,
                       reducing the risk of illness, injury or death and appropriately take care the quality of life of
                       employees or workers. In 2022, there were 6 injuries case from work to the point of absence
                       from work. The Company has set up guidelines and measures to prevent such accidents as
                              1. Provide opportunities for employees to participate in accident surveillance and
                       inspection of accident prevention systems in factories.

                              2.   Setting  up  standards  rules  and  principles  of  safety  at  work  by  providing
                       knowledge through training new employees.

                              3.   Campaign  for  employers  and  employees  in  the  workplace  to  realizing  the
                       importance of preventing accidents to have knowledge and skills in preventing accidents
                       and occupational diseases caused by work.
                              4. Safety officer has duty to take care of safety and consulting with employers to
                       monitor work situations risks and giving advice to the employees and guiding employees
                       to  take  care  of  themselves  while  working  to  avoid  accidents  or  prevent  occupational

                       2. Customer
                              The Company has continuously developed products and services to meet the
                       satisfaction of customers with responsibility, honesty and ethics. In 2022, the Company’s
                       has received satisfaction from customers at the level of 93.04%.

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