P. 42

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                       3.4  Social sustainability management
                              3.4.1 Social policy and guidelines
                              The Company has been formulated the policy of corporate social responsibility and
                       approved by board of directors on November 13, 2014, we comprehend the importance of
                       helping and supporting society, community, and maintaining environment continuously;
                       Tycoons  also  takes  consideration  of  likely  influence  to  stakeholders,  such  as
                       stockholders 、 employees,  the  community  where  we  belongs,  customers,  suppliers,
                       government, societies and nations; we formulate the direction that allowed employees can
                       participate our corporate social responsibility policy together,  which can be viewed on the
                       Company's website. (www.tycons.coms) Investor Relations Page.

                       1. Employees and Labor

                              The Company adheres to the principles of human rights from employment to the
                       care of employees and personnel in order for all employees and personnel to feel a sense
                       of family bonding with the organization. In 2022, the Company has the following key

                       employee operations as follow:

                                                     Number of male employees        Number of female
                                                              (persons)             employees (persons)
                       Full-time employees                      584                         290
                       Handicapped employees                     9                           1
                                   Total                        593                         291

                       Employees Training

                              In 2022 the Company plan to organize 17 training courses for employees to increase
                       their skills and potential to work for all employees.
                              Such as :
                       -   On March 22, 2022, the Company has held basic education and training on
                          ( Basic  Fire  Fighting  and  Evacuation  Practice) .   There  are  total  of  32  employees
                          participated in the training.
                       -   On June 4, 2022, the Company has held a training on the safety driving education and
                          training of (Forklift driver safety ). There are total of 25 employees participated in the
                       -   On June 30, 2022, the Company has held education and training on
                          (Time  management  techniques  to  increase  work  efficiency).  There  are  total  of  2 9
                          employees participated in the training.
                       -   On July 20, 2022, the Company has held education and training on
                          (Safety at work with electricity). There are total of 26 employees participated in the
                       -   On September 10, 2022, the Company has held education and training on
                           (Safety  at work with machine). There are total of 28 employees  participated in the
                       -   On September 14, 2022, the Company has held education and training on

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