P. 54

Tycoons Worldwide Group (Thailand) Plc.

                       Effects from the maturity of current liabilities on the liquidity
                       In 2022, short-term loans from financial institutions and trade and other payables as well
                       as current  portion  of  long-term  loans  have  accounted for  a large proportion  of current
                       liabilities. These first two items are payable within one year. As mentioned before, however,
                       these loans were used to purchase raw materials for normal business operations. As a result,
                       the company believes that the short-term maturity of such current liabilities should not
                       adversely affect the company’s liquidity.

                       Accounts payable turnover has been increased from 23.49 times of year 2021 to 31.06 times
                       of year 2022. It’s because accounts payable period of purchase of raw materials got shorten
                       therefore, the payment period decrease 26.16 days from 15.12 days of year 2021 to 11.59
                       days of year 2022.

                       (3) Capital expenditure
                       Capital  expenditures  amounted  to  64MB  and  75MB  for  the  year  2022  and  2021

                       (4)  Sources of funds
                       Funds structure
                       The debt to equity ratio was 0.38 and 0.59 between the years 2022 and 2021. The debt to
                       assets ratio was 0.28 and 0.37 between 2022 and 2021. This indicated that TYCN had only
                       a small amount of risk and a healthy financial structure.

                       Shareholders’ equity

                       As  of  December  31,  2022,  shareholders’ equity  was  4,519MB,  an increase  of  1.14% or
                       51MB from year 2021.  This was due to net profit in 2022.


                       At the end of 2022, TYCN’s liabilities amounted to 1,735MB, which is equivalent to 27.74%
                       of liabilities and shareholder’s equity, and Company’s long-term Liabilities and equity was
                       4,519MB, or 165.77% of net fixed assets. This indicates that TYCN had a healthy financial

                       (5) Factors potentially affecting company’s performance in the future

                                 The  company's  products  are  mainly  wire  rod,  annealed  wire,  screws,  bolts
                       andreinforcing bars (including deformed bars and round bars) plus the raw material billet
                       produced by the associated company itself. Even if the market competition is more intense
                       in the future. The company believes that with its superior quality and diversity of products,
                       consistent  production  from  top  to  bottom  will  bring  competitive  advantages  to  the

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